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Для роллеров: Обновленные правила IFSA
Alexey Potapov
Для тех кому искать лень, публикую с сайта ifsasport.com Правда на английском языке. Обратите внимание на "стоимость" трюков и переходов.

Freestyle Slalom : Marking System

Style slalom demands that four judges be present; each one is in charge of a marking sheet. The sum of the four sheets will define the number of points in a run. Competitors are entitled to two runs; at the end of a competition, judges will obtain a mark for both, and only the best one will count for the final ranking.
The way of proceeding is common to all categories. There are only two categories, female and male. As a consequence, the youngest competitors will be judged exactly in the same way and by the same standards as adults.
Each judge is in charge of one criterion only during the whole competition. They do not have access to the other marking sheets and therefore cannot know the result before the addition of all criteria, which the judge responsible for calculations carries out after the competition. It is the judge manager's responsibility to check there is no miscalculation and to validate the ranking obtained.
It should be noted that the four marks are independent in this notation system
Let us have a close look at each of the four marking sheets :

The penalty sheet
It gathers five important parameters that will define the overall penalty mark.
Fallen cones: each cone the competitor knocks down or displaces will cost 0.5 points.
Avoided cones: each cone the competitor did not slalom at the end of the allotted 90-second period results into a penalty (-0.5 points).
Falls: Judges appreciate how serious they are and mark them from 0 to 5 accordingly. For example, a hand touching the ground will cost 1 point, and a big fall on the belly will cost 5 points.
Run duration: A run lasts for 90 seconds at most, but a duration exceeding this is not penalised. However, no trick performed after 90 seconds will be taken into account.
A run that lasts less than 75 seconds will cost 5 points, and a run below 60 seconds will cost 10 points.
There is no limit to penalty points.

The run management sheet
It gathers two essential parameters: trick families and rhythm. When added up, these will give the run management mark.
Trick families: there are five of them.
Eagles or Reverse Eagle : The feet must be open (think Charlie Chaplin...) with an angle superior to 90°. Eagle proper, crossed eagle and Z belong to this family. Or for the reverse eagles : These are tricks in which the feet are closed with an angle greater than 90°. Reverse eagle proper (a mere snake-like move among the cones with toes facing each other), crossed reverse eagle, reverse Z
Sitting tricks: These are tricks in which one squats while balancing on one foot. The competitor's buttocks are at the same level as, or below, the knee of their leg that touches the ground.
Footgun (aka "cafetière"ухмыляясь и подмигивая, christie and kazachoc belong to this family.
Wheelings and side-wheel balances: These are tricks performed on one foot only and one wheel only. There is an exception for quads; balancing on two wheels from the same skate (the side, heel or toe wheels), qualifies as a trick of this family.
Spin : Tricks performed on 1 or 2 wheels for inlines (or even 4 wheels (toe or heel wheels) for quad skates), 2 circles around the cones, around the same cone, in between the cones ... as long as it is more than 720°
Jumping tricks:
These are tricks that include a phase in which neither foot is in contact with the ground, as well as an impulsion phase and a landing phase.
Jumping X, wiper, foot-spin, kazachoc... belong to this family.
The judge marks each trick family on a 2-point scale. They take into account the best performance for this particular family in the whole run.
They must mark each family performed on 4 or more cones.(Spin Family rule is 720° instead of 4 cones)
A trick performed correctly on 4 cones is worth 2 points.(Spin Family rule is 720° instead of 4 cones)
If a competitor performs a trick on 4 cones (or more) and knocks down or avoids one of them, the judge still grants 2 points provided that the competitor respected the trick's move.
If the skater does not respect the move on one cone at most, the judge grants only one point (a typical situation is when the skater does not get the move right from the start ; e.g. their sitting trick is not low enough at the first cone, or their eagle gets open enough only when they are passing the first cone).
The maximal mark will be 10 points.
This mark is about the judge's appreciation of the overall rhythm of the run. The final mark must reflect the proportion of concordance with the music. The concordance relates to two aspects: general rhythm (tempo) and musical peaks (tune). The mark will comprise rhythm variations related to the music, and timing consistent with the music, either generally or on specific occasions.
The style sheet
It gathers three parameters. When added, theses give the style mark.
Execution quality of tricks & transitions
This mark is about the judge's overall appreciation of all tricks & transitions in each line of cones, no matter how many cones they have been performed on.
This part of the marking deals with all extra choreographic feats the competitor may perform.
The mark is granted in reference to a standard. The standard is worth 1 point; it does not define a ceiling in marking. It relates to the current high common difficulty.
For example, a toe block, perfectly carried out, with large amplitude and a good command, is worth 1 point today. Choreography will be marked according to the difficulty, originality, beauty, consistency and number of the feats.
Some examples of feats:
Blocks, special entries and exits (jumps, shuffles), stunts, splits, dance figures...
The maximal mark will be 10 points.
Generally speaking, the overall style mark will be good if the run displays command, fluency, pleasant curves and a nice balance. It will be less high if the run includes jerks, blocks (choreographic feats excluded), hesitations or staggers.
The maximal style mark is 35 points.
The technical sheet
It gathers four parameters. When added, they give the technical mark.
Technical tricks:
They get marked according to flexibility (Y, reverse eagle, christie...), balance (wiper, wheeling...), strength (kazachoc...) and potential loss of bearings (tricks that may disorientate the skater: foot-spin, backward tricks...)
Each trick performed on 4 cones or more must be marked.
If a competitor performs a trick on 4 cones (or more) and knocks down or avoids one, the judge grants them the mark if they respected the slalom move.
The mark is granted in reference to a standard. The standard is worth 1 point; it does not define a ceiling in marking. It relates to the current high common difficulty.
E.g.: Crazy = 0 point
Volte = 0.50 points
Footgun = 1.00 points
Christie = 1.25 points
Backward wheeling = 1.25 points
The maximal mark will be 20 points.
Technical transitions:
They get marked according to balance (heel wheeling to toe wheeling), strength (sitting trick to standing trick), flexibility (reverse eagle to crossed reverse eagle), potential loss of bearings (backward one-foot to backward footgun), and changes in rhythm or direction.
The mark is granted in reference to a standard. The standard is worth 1 point; it does not define a ceiling in marking. It relates to the current high common difficulty.
E.g.: Sun to eagle = 0.0 points
Technical change of direction (forward trick to backward trick) = 0.50 points
Forward one-foot to forward footgun = 0.75 points
Backward one-foot to wiper = 1.00 points
The maximal mark will be 10 points.
Overall technical appreciation:
The judge takes into account the skater's global performance in comparison to all that is possible in slalom skating. They appreciate the technical quality of the run taken as a whole, as well as that of all its technical elements.
The judge will mark the proportion of technical difficulty in the whole run according to the quantity of tricks and to the quantity of transitions.
The maximal mark will be 10 points.
Execution speed:
This mark relates to the judge's appreciation of the overall execution speed, in comparison to all that is possible in slalom skating.
The maximal mark will be 5 points.
The maximal technical mark is 40 points.
Some important details
A repetition is defined as the execution of the same element on several occasions. Repeating element, whatever they may be, is not penalised. It is not rewarded either. An element (a trick, a transition, a choreographic feat) will lose its technical value as it is repeated, by 50% each time. In other words the technical element will be valued at 100% the first time, 50% the second time, and 0% the next times.
Note that performing a move on two different lines does not count as a repetition if the technical difficulty is regarded as different.
The point count begins when the skater passes the first cone. Anything performed before that just will not count.

А вот и с форума сайта rollerclub.ru некоторые переведенные моменты.

Про спид-слалом:
Start : 1/ The 2 skaters are called by their names, and given their line of slalom. 2/ When the skaters are on the line, the "start judge" calls "SET" 3/ The skaters have a maximum of 5 seconds to stop moving. 4/ When the skaters are not moving anymore, not at all, the "start judge" shot & start recording time. False Start : 1/ False Start, if the skaters stop moving and then moves before the gun shot. 3/ 1rst False Start is OK, 2nd False Start is eliminating the competitor, for the dual, or for the time trial. 4/ In case of False Start, the area judge or the start judge is double whistling 5/ The decision of the judge is to be respected, unfair behaviour will lead to exclusion of the competition.
Если коротко:
На старте командуют "SET", после чего есть максимум 5 секунд чтобы занять позицию и замереть. Когда спортсмены замирают, судья стреляет (в кого-нибудь) и начинает отсчет времени.
Если после того, как спортсмены замрут, один из них пошевелится до выстрела, то это будет считаться фальстартом, о чем судья оповестит двойным свистком.

Про оценку стиля в стайле:
Rules updates : Style Mark * Bonus trick standard value is decreasing : block on toe wheels = 0,5, block on heel wheel = 0,5, low tricks on the floor (split…) = 1 point * Bonus tricks will be scored on 5 points maximum. * Bonus trick off the cones = 50% less * Bonus trick, good looking or bad looking is taken into account, no subjectivity. * Style of tricks & Transition will be marked together : as global balance & smooth ride, line of slalom per line of slalom, over a global score of 20 points
Если коротко:
Подешевели бонусы. Разъезды на носках и пятках стоят по 0.5 балла, всякое баловство на полу - 1 балл. Всего на бонусах можно заработать 5 баллов. Бонусы не на фишках, а рядом, получают скидку 50%. Учитываются все бонусные трюки, независимо от того, насколько безобразно они смотрелись.

Про оценку управления в стайле:
Rules updates : Management Mark * Each family will score 2 points. (Or 1 point if performed over “almost” 4 cones) * Jumping tricks family is now about jumping tricks with one foot on the floor (i.e. wiper, foot spin, kazachok … but no jumping X) * Eagle family & reverse eagle family merge in a new family with a stricter definition : no combo tricks (i.e. no X Back) ; eagle only or reverse eagle only. * The new 5th family is “spin family" : 1 or 2 wheels (for inline skates), 2 spins (i.e. spin, volt, compass … cross, uncross)
Если коротко:
Наличие каждой группы элементов оценивается по 2 былла (или по 1, если исполнено "почти" на 4 фишках). Прыжковыми элементами теперь считаются только одноногие - файпер, фитспин, казачок и т.п. Любители прыжкового икса срочно осваивают вайпер. Группы корабликов и инверсов преоб-разуется в одну группу "строго корабликов", без всяких комбинированных элементов. Появилась новая группа - вращения. Обязательно на 1 или 2 колесах. 2 оборота. Имеются ли в виду 2 оборота подряд - непонятно, т.к. в качестве примера указан вольт, а я себе не очень представляю вольт на два оборота.

Про оценку техники в стайле:
Rules updates : Technique Mark * Little technical tricks will not be considered as technical anymore. Former tricks < 0,5 points will score 0. * Transition Matrix will be updated as well : standard will be more difficult. * The maximum of Technical trick will be raise to 20 points. * Spinning trick are technical trick if they are performed over 4 cones or 2 spins.
Если коротко:
Легкие трюки, раньше оценивавшиеся ниже 0,5 баллов больше ничего не стоят. Переходы тоже поде-шевеют. Техникой можно будет заработать максимум 20 баллов. Оценки за элементы с вращениями идут в технику если вращения сделаны на 4 конуса или 2 оборота.

О разном:
Rules updates : other * 14 cones for 120 cm slalom
Т.е. на дорожке 120см теперь будет 14 фишек.

Для чего это всё:
These updates of the rules are meant to : * follow freestyle slalom development (new kind of tricks), * correct mistakes (variety too effective) (bonus too effective) (120cm slalom too slow), * provide more impact to difficult tricks, * make clearer and more efficient the style mark (easier to be applied for the judges) * preserve the objectivity of the marks by setting a very dichotomy of slalom elements, a true method of providing points to the performance, which make the analysis of the performance possible, aspect by aspect. * let these rules being applied by 4 judges (even 3), in order to fit the budget of organizations. * match competitors demand, and federate the sports worldwide.
Саратовский роллер клуб www.Style64.ru
Tosca Ptp
Alexey Potapov написал:
Spin : Tricks performed on 1 or 2 wheels for inlines (or even 4 wheels (toe or heel wheels) for quad skates), 2 circles around the cones, around the same cone, in between the cones ... as long as it is more than 720°

тоесть если вращение сделано не на дорожке, а в 5 см от нее, это уже не считается?
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21-01-2025 12:54
Всем привет! С 2025 годом! по-доброму и с улыбкой

05-12-2024 07:45
Форум пока доступен ! Можно жить дальше ! по-доброму и с улыбкой

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Ого. Форум живой. Спасибо)

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все таки люди сюда заходят

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привет всем!) по-доброму и с улыбкой

08-08-2023 16:34
еще какая))) сам регулярно захожу и читаю что было 10 лет назад

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Ностальгия хмуро и неодобрительно

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всех с наступившими праздниками!

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Главное - не унывать и на нашей улице обязательно тоже будет Праздник !!!

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